We at PCF are interested in mission both home and abroad and have the privelege of supporting the following on a monthly basis, not only financially but most importantly in prayer.
Asia Link:
AsiaLink is a Christian mission agency connecting churches with ministry among the unreached peoples of Asia. We aim to provide an efficient and effective avenue to partnering for the greatest possible impact.
We firmly believe that God wants churches around the world to work alongside Him in fulfilling the Great Commission. We want to see God glorified among all peoples and a critical feature of our work is the investment we make in these congregations to awaken and encourage this vision.
See website for more information.
New Foundation
New Foundations is a Cambridge based registered Charity providing evidenced based Primary Care Health programs to rural communities in the Niger Delta since 2003.
As a Christian Medical Mission we have two principal objectives:
- ‘That we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ and love one another….’ 1 John 3 v 23
- To raise up local Health Care Workers, educate, remunerate and work in respectful partnership to deliver quality health care, free to all, without condition or prejudice.
Compassion UK:
Compassion works through local churches in poor communities around the world to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name. With your partnership we can disciple children to fulfil their God-given potential and to become responsible Christian adults.
See website for more information
“God has committed to us the ministry of reconciliation”
2 Cor 5:18
RMI is about evangelism and reaching people with the gospel, by all means. Going forward with the gospel of the kingdom of God: taking the message of repentance, renewal, revival, restoration and reconciliation to all nations.